Greenhouse Staging
from Gabriel Ash
Our Greenhouse Staging with a width of 520mm is available in four standard lengths (1345mm, 1715mm, 2280mm, 2880mm) which can be accommodated in many standard sized greenhouses. For the awkward sizes there is a ‘made to measure’ service that will accommodate any length greenhouse staging in widths of 595mm, 750mm and 900mm: All our greenhouse staging finishes are available in all sizes.
Whilst the greenhouse staging surfaces are in Natural Aluminium or Western Red Cedar the frames are in Natural Aluminium for a more economical cost. The strong ribbed natural aluminium slats are secured to this framework with high quality stainless steel bolts and nuts, whilst polyester glass re-inforced spacers are clipped into position to retain the majority of the slats in place and ensure the optimum distance between the slats

Cedar Greenhouse Staging
Western Red Cedar slatted greenhouse staging brings a soft and natural look to your greenhouse or shed. Cedar is renowned as a building material in the cold and snowy mountain areas of North America and is often used as roofing material. Cedar shingles are renowned for their ability to absorb moisture, to dry out quickly, to retain their stability and to resist rot, lasting for decades. This is why it is an ideal material for greenhouse staging slats, taking the rough with the smooth and the wet with the dry. Together with the flat natural aluminium sheet placed and secured within the aluminium frame you will have the choice of finishes to ensure your greenhouse staging is perfect for your needs.
Storage is important, as those who collect pots, seed trays, balls of string, tools and plant treatment aids will testify. To further enhance your greenhouse staging all our models have a slatted lower shelf. The shelf runs the full length of the greenhouse staging and dependent upon your choice of width will be either 380mm, 480mm or 580mm wide and is located some 250mm (10”) off the floor. In choosing the cedar slatted surface greenhouse staging, then the lower shelf is in cedar whilst for the aluminium slatted or aluminium sheet greenhouse staging then aluminium slats are provided. You could naturally use the lower shelf, perhaps more constructively, during the spring for your overflow of seedlings or cuttings or perhaps to store outdoor plants in the winter or shade loving plants at other times of year.
Our superior greenhouse staging comes complete with all fixings and comprehensive, simple instructions to assemble. All nuts, bolts and screws are in stainless steel, the majority of which are secured with an allen key which we provide, or a 10mm spanner. All that is needed is just perhaps a little of your time, we are sure you will be pleased when you see the results of our joint efforts.
Your greenhouse staging may appear destined for your dining room but it would be more at home in either your potting shed, greenhouse, workshop or as a serving surface for a barbecue, where it will give you unrivalled pleasure.
Buy on-line or telephone our order line +44 (0) 1829 271890. Delivery is from our Cheshire central workshop.